Monday, February 18, 2013


According to the video, The Changing Nature of Knowledge, knowledge is "the internal neural network" and it is "how the mind creates learning itself in the neural network." Educational researcher George Siemens explains the interconnected nature of knowledge according to the paradigm of connectivism. Siemens explains how our minds are adapting to the ever-changing landscape of our evolving society. Technology, in particular, seems to have a profound impact on how our brains work. 

The article, Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, avows that connectivism is built upon the idea that "[t]he ability to synthesize and recognize connections and patterns is a valuable skill". This viewpoint holds that learning is a continuous process in the context of an ever-changing set of schema in the brain. Connectivism recognizes the complexity of the mind, and in turn, of learning, and emphasizes the importance of drawing conclusions and making distinctions in the mind. Unlike behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism, this paradigm addresses the complexities of organizational knowledge and transference. Personal knowledge is organized into a network, which "feeds into organizations and institutions, which in turn feed back into the network, and then continue to provide learning to individual".

Connectivism allows us to grasp the complexities of the mind within the constantly shifting environment. With the introduction of such implements as technology, we can examine the organization of knowledge through the lens of this paradigm.

1 comment:

  1. Although connectivism is called a theory, I like your use of the word paradigm to describe it, because it emphasizes that this is just one conceptualization of what is happening when we learn.
